Send emails with custom templates using SendGrid

Integrating Send Grid in your Dotnet Core App


3 min read

Send emails with custom templates using SendGrid

Sending an email is an important feature that's required for any production-level application.

While there are other ways like creating a SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Server (for sending, receiving emails) and Razor Pages (for designing custom templates), I found using SendGrid to be hassle-free.

Why I chose SendGrid over conventional Razor Pages?

As our app was getting bigger, we felt a need to offload our email code to Azure Functions (Serverless๐Ÿ”ฅ). So as Razor Pages are stored on our server, they don't work on Azure Functions. There were a couple of solutions to this problem, either we make our HTML templates using StringBuilder or find a third-party service. I chose SendGrid as it does all the heavy lifting for us from managing our emails to designing custom templates.


  • Dotnet Core Application (can be any other app as well)
  • VS Code (Or any other IDE, that's my favorite ๐Ÿ˜‰)
  • A free Sendgrid Account

Creating SendGrid API Key

After you have verified your email on SendGrid

  1. Find API Keys under Settings section
  2. Click on Create API Key
  3. Add API Key name and select access (I selected Full Access in my case)
  4. After your API Key is generated, save it safely somewhere (would be required as configuration in appsettings.json)

Creating a sender identity

Create a single sender identity to complete the setup. SendGrid.png

Integrating using SendGrid Web API

  1. Now select integrating using Web API

SendGrid (1).png

  1. Select your preferred language (I choose C#)
  2. Now you will be redirected to a code snippet of how to integrate it in your app. I am sharing how I did it.

In your appsetings.json add SendGrid Email Config as:

"SendGridEmailConfig": {
    "ApiKey": "your-unique-api-key",
    "FromMailAddress": "your-email-address",
    "FromMailName": "your-sender-name"

Now bind that configuration to your IServiceCollection in the Startup.cs

services.Configure<SendGridEmailConfig>(config =>

Now create EmailService.cs and add following code:

public class EmailService
    private readonly SendGridEmailConfig sendGridEmailConfig;
    public SendGridEmailService(IOptions<SendGridEmailConfig> sendGridEmailConfig)
        this.sendGridEmailConfig = sendGridEmailConfig.Value;

    public async Task<bool> SendEmailAsync(EmailContent emailContent)
        var client = GetClient();
        var from = new EmailAddress(sendGridEmailConfig.FromMailAddress, sendGridEmailConfig.FromMailName);
        var subject = "Sending my first email using sendgrid";
        var to = new EmailAddress("", "Recipient User");
        var templateId = "your-template-id";
        var templateData = "template-data";
        var message = MailHelper.CreateSingleTemplateEmail(from, to, templateId, templateData);
        var response = await client.SendEmailAsync(message);

    private SendGridClient GetClient()
        var apiKey = sendGridEmailConfig.ApiKey;
        var client = new SendGridClient(apiKey);
        return client;

Creating your custom template

Now create your own dynamic template and add that template ID to your above code.

SendGrid (2).png

That's all for today folks. Happy Coding! ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป

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